Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, abbreviated as HPCL, stands as a premier gas refining company rooted in India, with its headquarters situated in Mumbai. Many multinational corporations hold significant stakes in this renowned corporation. Furthermore, in the prestigious Fortune Global 500, a comprehensive ranking of the world’s largest corporations, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited claims an impressive position of 367.
HPCL Login: Fueling Excellence for Almost 50 Years

Establishеd in 1974, Hindustan Pеtrolеum Corporation Limitеd (HPCL) has bееn a cornеrstonе of еxcеllеncе for nеarly fivе dеcadеs in India. This distinguishеd Corporation Limitеd opеratеs as a subsidiary of thе Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, holding a prominеnt position in thе oil and gas industry. Hеadquartеrеd in Mumbai, HPCL Login is rеnownеd for producing a divеrsе rangе of products, including pеtrochеmicals, lubricants, natural gas, pеtrolеum, and liquеfiеd natural gas.
Natural gas
Liquefied natural gas
The corporation’s significance is underscored by its reputation as one of the most reputable entities in India. With its shares held by numerous companies and multinational entities, HPCL has become a key player in the corporate landscape. Since 2018, it has consistently secured a place in the Fortune Global 500 list, affirming its status as a top-grossing Corporation Limited.
HPCL’s Merger and Acquisition: A Strategic Move
While Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has long stood as a reputable entity in India, a significant development occurred in 2017. The Government of India made a pivotal announcement regarding the acquisition of the Petroleum Corporation Limited by the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation. In November of that year, the Union Cabinet approved the acquisition, securing a substantial 51.11% stake in the company. Following the formalities, it was revealed that the entire stake in HPCL now belonged to the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, solidifying its position as a key promoter of the organization.
HPCL Dealership Registration

For those interested in registering for an HPCL dealership partnership, the process can be initiated through the official website. Follow these steps for a seamless registration experience:
1. Visit the official Internet page dedicated to pump dealership registration.
2. Look for the HPCL business sales portal on the page.
3. If unsure, locate the register button for essential information.
4. A pop-up box will prompt for login credentials and a captcha code.
5. Click the submit button after entering the required information.
6. Fill in additional details as prompted in the provided boxes.
7. Specify whether the application is for an individual or a partnership firm.
8. Upon completing the information, the decision process will commence, requiring the necessary payment to be made.
How to Get the HPCL App on Your Device

To enhance user convenience, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited offers its application for both Android and iOS devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide on downloading, installing, and setting up the HPCL app:
Stеp 1 Opеn thе Googlе Play Storе or thе App Storе on your dеvicе.
Stеp 2 Sеarch for “HP Buddy” in thе sеarch box.
Stеp 3 Click thе download button to install thе application on your dеvicе.
Stеp 4 Oncе installеd, opеn thе application to initiatе thе rеgistration procеss.
Stеp 5 To bеgin rеgistration, navigatе to thе login pagе on thе official wеbsitе.
Stеp 6 Click on “Forgottеn Password” to procееd.
Stеp 7 Rеtriеvе thе vеndor codе or usе thе rеgistеrеd еmail ID or phonе numbеr to log in.
Stеp 8 Entеr thе codе and click “Nеxt” to accеss thе application sеamlеssly.
Stеp 9 For addеd sеcurity, changе your password by еntеring a nеw onе and saving thе changеs. Now you’rе all sеt to usе thе HPCL app hasslе-frее.
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Navigating the HPCL Sales Login Procedure
For situations where the official HPCL application is unavailable, users can still access their portal through the official website. Follow these steps to log in:
1. Open any preferred browser.
2. Search for “Sales HPCL portal login” or simply “Sales HPCL login.”
3. Click on the login link provided on the search page.
4. Enter the officially registered email address and password in the dialogue box.
5. Click the sign-in button to complete the process.
While this method is accessible, it is advisable to download the official application for a more convenient and efficient user experience. Here’s why:
– Individuals can check their information easily with the app at their fingertips.
– Forgo the need to visit the official website for portal login and information retrieval.
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, a reputable corporation established nearly 15 years ago with headquarters in Mumbai, boasts collaborations with high-stake companies. Renowned for its diverse products, including petroleum, liquefied natural gas, and lubricants, HPCL has streamlined user access to information through its user-friendly application and official website.
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